Here's some of the frequently asked questions ...if you still don't find an answer please contact us
"How does this residency relate to my practice?'
Of course this is a very individual choice, but we are very open minded and looking for creative individuals who are looking to expand and develop their way of thinking. The only criteria set is to respond to Canary Wharf Estate. This is as narrow as it is wide. Completely open to creative interpretation with a professional, respectful and responsible outlook.
"Why is there a fee?".
This is a not for profit venture. However as a practising artist there are obvious overheads such as paying fees to the artists invited to engage with the residency as well as the administration costs. Most artists understand how difficult it is to gain funding. If funding is possible in the future we will change accordingly.
"Do I have to be educated to a certain academic level?"
Not necessarily, but this is aimed particularly at the professional artist who is looking to challenge and develop their practice. It is run by a qualified, practicing visual artist.
"What are the core days for?"
Experience has demonstrated that structure and timetabled events such as group seminars, experienced visiting artists talks, one to one's, workshops, etc... encourages more interactivity between the resident artists and allows the individual to break down those initial, perhaps awkward barriers. These days are greatly encouraged for your attendance as they are structured and programmed with you in mind.
However the residency will be open Monday - Friday 8.00am -18.00pm
"How does working within a construction site expand and develop my practice?"
It is both a challenging and fascinating environment. The room and facilities provided mean that, as an artists, one has to work with limited resources. However, that self same scenario is more often than not, a challenge for an artist, on different levels.
"I have written a proposal do I have to stick with this?"
No. The proposal is there purely for us to understand what your current thinking is.
"Can I make work?"
Absolutely. However, we are not looking for any individual to have created a fully formed piece or body of work during the residency, quite the contrary. We are deliberately looking away from the art school model and encouraging a nurturing of ideas, giving at least a twelve month period to allow your work to develop. It may also be that you find the opportunity to work collaboratively with other artists on the residency.
We understand that the space has its limitations, but that is also one of the challenges. We are also looking to provide an external making area for those who wish to work with more messy materials, however you will be required to fill in risk assessment forms.
"Is this residency only aimed at Fine Artists"
No. Last year we had a number of artists from both different international backgrounds and disciplines. There was a jeweller, a architectural student and an illustration student.
"What times can I access the space?"
There is access Monday to Friday from 8.00am - 18.00pm.
" Why do I have to do a health and safety test?"
You will have access to space within a construction site office and so must understand all the precautions that are involved. It also allows you to gain the security access required for the term of the residency.It is the same test as construction site workers take BUT they are qualified in their jobs and also undertake numerous other tests to allow them on site.
This is on 20th July Time TBA.
Health & Safety Induction = Access to Residency
" Can I go out on the construction site?"
You will only be allowed to visit the construction site on scheduled, escorted tours. The construction site is a busy and dangerous environment. The Health and Safety test only informs you of certain aspects and does not give you the required qualifications or experience.
"Will we have a show at the end of the residency?"
The residency this year is three weeks so the short answer is no. However, we look to the future and hope to be able to work over at least a 12 month period to develop ideas and work. There is no guarantee but this is an objective.
"Do you provide accomodation?"
No. The residency space is located on a construction site within Canary Wharf.
"Why do I need a valid UK address?"
These are part and parcel of the Health and Safety Induction rules.