Huge thanks to all the amazing and generous artists who contributed to our
You're all stars!
Tom Amoretti, Alison Anderson, Teri Anderson, Tanaz Aseffi,
Rebecca Asghar, Rosalind Barker, Simon Brewster, Andrea Coltman,
Manuela Corti, Day Bowman, Elena Chaykina, Louisa Crispin,
Jo Ellison, Liz Elton, Iulia Filipovscaia, Sonia Griffin, Chaz Howkins,
Sarah Hawley, Christine Highland, Morna Hinton, Sally Jones,
M. Lohrum, Ian Monroe, Venetia Nevill, Jane Pickersgill,
Nedret Pekcan, Nicole Price, Hamish Pringle, Fiona G. Roberts,
Andrea Robinson, Linda Saul, Sarah V. Spence, Alison Stirling,
Angela Stocker , Franny Swann, Jenny Timmer, Maria Turner,
Robert Verrill, Jane Vincent, Monique Wan, Rupert Whale

As part of the RSVP show now relocated at
Streets of Growth Headquarters, Marsh Wall, Isle of Dogs,
we are organising an
Art Fundraiser
from 6pm on 7th December 2018
We asked for artists to donate one or more small scale works
To be sold anonymously for £50 per work
Further information regarding the charitable organisation
Streets of Growth can be found :
http://www.streetsofgrowth.org (http://www.streetsofgrowth.org/)
Updates will be coming via social media
Twitter @cwnd_artistresi
Instagram @cwnd_artistresidency
And Website: